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A Lost Child Page 4

  Out of the blue, Chief Thomas said, “Washington and Spearman, you guys would be roommates.” Robert didn’t know how to act knowing that Anthony was going to be his roommate. After completing orientation, Robert and Anthony met up with Raymond, Caiera, and Wanda. They started telling one another their room numbers so they could keep in touch. Robert and Anthony headed to their room to unpack their sea bag. Anthony and Robert kept talking about Caiera. They both soon realized that they had their eyes set on Caiera.

  Robert just knew this wasn’t going to play out right. So they both decided that neither one of them would try to talk to Caiera. Robert thought Anthony was going to fall for his manipulation. He didn’t know Anthony was already one step ahead of him. Anthony and Caiera had that conversation once on the plane. A week had gone by and Robert ran into Caiera and Wanda at the Navy Exchange. He walked over and started joking around with them. Caiera went inside the dressing room to try on a pair of pants. Wanda kept smiling at Robert, but he didn’t notice that she had her eyes on him the whole time.

  Robert was looking at Wanda like she was one of his homeboys. He started telling her that he wanted to talk to Caiera. Wanda didn’t have the heart to tell him Anthony and Caiera was already talking. Although she wanted Robert for herself, she went ahead and told him anyway. Robert couldn’t do anything but laughed. He thought he had the jump on Anthony, but the joke was on him. Wanda wanted to tell Robert how she felt about him but she didn’t want to seem desperate. She kept trying but Robert was too blind to see Wanda’s intentions.

  Caiera finally made it back from the dressing room and Anthony came walking up with an ugly grin on his face. The whole time Robert was thinking to himself, “You sneaky fox.” They decided to go to the bowling alley for pizza. It was official that Caiera and Anthony was a part time couple and Robert came to terms with it. Caiera and Anthony were sitting on one side of the table and Wanda set next to Robert on the other side. While sitting at the table eating pizza, Wanda had one more ace up her sleeves. Robert had his hand on the seat they were sitting on.

  Wanda placed her hand on top of his and he looked at her. She started smiling at him and that’s when he realized that Wanda had a thing for him. So he started holding her hand and smiling back. She sat much closer to him and Robert through his arm around her neck. Caiera and Anthony was wondering what just took place. Robert stood up and said, “Its official. We’re a couple for now.” That was music to Wanda’s ears as he sat back down. She immediately started kissing him. He didn’t expect that kiss from Wanda. But he felt like he was in the zone.

  Caiera became inquisitive and asked, “What brought this on between you two?”

  “I liked Robert from boot camp and I just couldn’t let him get away,” Wanda answered.

  “I didn’t realize how she felt until just now,” Robert responded. “I think we look good together.”

  Anthony yelled, “Alright bro ham.”

  Robert and Wanda was spending quality time with one another each day. After that day at the bowling alley, things became serious between them. Every morning Robert and Wanda met outside to march to school singing cadences. They understood that they were only going to be together for a few months. They were planning a romantic weekend together. Robert had the advantage over them because he already knew his way around San Diego, California. Robert told Wanda everything about himself including his money that he had in all three banks. Wanda thought that he was just trying to impress her. She had no ideal that he was telling her the true about everything.

  Caiera asked Wanda, “What y’all got up for the weekend?”

  “Robert and I are having a romantic weekend,” Wanda answered. “We are getting a room at the Hilton Hotel and going out to an extravagant restaurant called ALIZE’S and a movie.”

  “Who is paying for this extravagant romantic get away?” Caiera asked giggling.

  Wanda said proudly, “Robert … my babe.”

  “That sounds like fun and it sounds like Robert is pulling your leg,” Caiera responded. “I don’t understand how he can afford all that with his E-1 pay. If he can do that for you, maybe Anthony can do that for me. Yes girl… I am jealous.”

  Wanda replied, “I thought at first he was just trying to impress me. But the look on his face showed he was serious, but I still have some doubt.”

  “Anthony just wanted to hang around the base at the bowling alley and that starting to get boring,” Caiera blurted.

  Wanda uttered, “I would ask my babe could y’all tag along. But you have to go and crack Anthony about it.”

  “I will go and talk to my cheat man and see if he can afford it,” Caiera yelled. “I probably have to go in with him. But I don’t care as long as we can get off this base before I loose my mind.”

  The weekend was finally here and Robert was very excited. He couldn’t make it back to the barrack fast enough. When he arrived in his room, he noticed that Anthony was looking funny in the face. Robert thought about Wanda and Caiera’s conversation. From the look on Anthony’s face, he can tell things didn’t go so well. Robert started playing like he didn’t know what going on.

  “What up with the long face bro?” Robert asked.

  Anthony answered, “Caiera is mad at me because I can’t afford to do for her what you’re doing for your lady.”

  “Man I thought she had kicked you to the curve,” Robert uttered. “I will let you borrow $200.00 and you can pay me back $50.00 each pay period until it’s paid off. Just don’t make that face you’re making. It reminded me of my Grandma Jenny with her dentures out of her mouth.”

  Anthony laughed and responded, “That would be fine. Thanks bro.”

  They all met out front ready to head to their romantic, extravagant get away for two days. Soon as they check in the Hilton Hotel, they settled down to rest a moment and head to Sea Port Village. They started site seeing, watching the ocean as the waves came in. Robert laughed at Wanda, Caiera, and Anthony because they stood out like tourists. It was getting late so they headed back to the Hilton for some much needed along time. Robert and Wanda arrived back at their room and started making out. That moment Robert realized this was his first real relationship even if it was for just four months. So that made it special to him, but he didn’t want to get to serious.

  When they finished making out. Wanda became very emotional because she had lost her virginity to Robert. It made Robert feel a little uncomfortable the way Wanda was acting. He had a hard time comprehending what Wanda was feeling. He didn’t want to say or do anything to ruin the moment. Wanda open up to Robert letting him know that he was her first. Things became very clear to him then. Because of the time frame, Robert didn’t care to take their relationship to serious. Wanda was hoping Robert would want too. Robert didn’t care to carry on a distance relationship. He felt that it wouldn’t work out being separated. Wanda wasn’t trying to understand how Robert was feeling or what he was saying. The only thing mattered to her was being in a relationship with him. It didn’t matter if he really had that kind of money.

  That morning she became very demanding of Robert. Wanda wanted more than just a four month relationship. Robert was trying to be patience with Wanda, but at the moment it appeared to be hopeless. Robert just wanted to make it through the day. They all arrived at ALIZE’S restaurant. Caiera and Anthony can feel the tension between Wanda and Robert.

  “Is everything alright?” Caiera asked.

  “Everything is fine.” Robert answered.

  Wanda responded, “Robert is afraid to commit into a long-term relationship.”

  “I am not afraid of having a long-term relationship,” Robert blurted. “I just don’t want a long distance relationship.”

  “Want you guys just wait and see how things go,” Anthony suggested. “Who know y’all just might get station together after “A” school.”

  Wanda uttered, “If two people love one
another, they should be able to make that kind of decision.”

  “Y’all have been talking for only two months. Do you think that’s too early to fall in love with someone?” Caiera asked.

  Robert replied, “I agree with that. I never told you Wanda that I was in love with you. I never mislead you to think that I felt in love with you. Yes I do want to be in a relationship with you. I just don’t want to be in a long distance relationship. So can we just wait and see how things go?”

  “No,” She answered. “I can’t wait for another two months just for you to walk out on me. So we can just be friends. I was having doubt about you having the kind of money you said you have. I was thinking you were a fake anyway.”

  Robert responded, “That’s fine. We can be friends.”

  “Is that really what y’all want?” Anthony asked.

  Robert uttered, “It’s a done deal bro. You can stick a fork in it. We both seem to have made up our minds.”


  The extravagant weekend had turn into a disaster. Robert decided that day that he wasn’t going to jump into another relationship that fast anymore. Robert was feeling pretty bad because that was his first relationship and it was over. Robert and Wanda no longer met each other in front of the barrack to march side by side singing cadence. Wanda became a little distance from Robert only because he wouldn’t give in to her demands. Robert quit chasing behind Wanda completely. He decided to go to Las Vegas for that weekend to get his mind off of her. Every time he looked around, she was grabbing on Raymond Jenkins and looking at him smiling like Grandma Jenny.

  He went over to the bowling alley to get a slice of pizza and a soda. He ran into Miss Mary Jones and she was very shock to see him in a military uniform. She had gotten off of drugs and was looking very nice. He was shock to see her working at the deli in the bowling alley. They talk for thirty minutes while she was on lunch break. She was still the same when it came down to hugging, grabbing, and kissing. Robert didn’t know Anthony and Caiera were standing back watching him. They were very shock to see Miss Mary Jones hugging, grabbing, and kissing all over him. Miss Mary Jones went back inside to clock back in.

  Anthony asked, “Who was that woman hugging, grabbing, and kissing all over you?”

  He replied, “An old friend.”

  “What are you doing this weekend?” Caiera asked.

  He answered, “I am going to Las Vegas tomorrow after school.”

  “Bro I know you not going to leave us behind.” She blurted.

  Robert blurted, “Y’all can tag along. But what ever y’all do, please don’t bring Wanda name up. I was leaving to get away from her for a few days. In return I will help y’all with some of the expenses.”

  “We can respect your wish.” Anthony said.

  Caiera said, “Thanks Robert. We won’t mention her name at all.”

  Robert responded, “Y’all welcome. Be sure to pack tonight. I would like to get out of here tomorrow after school.”

  “We will surely do that.” Caiera uttered.

  They were very excited about going to Las Vegas and Robert didn’t have anybody to take, but it was cool. He was planning on having the time of his life gambling and drinking. Tomorrow came fast and the last hour of school was the longest. He can see Anthony and Caiera rushing to the barrack. He really needed that laughed. He laughed at them because he couldn’t tell who was more excited him or them. They stopped by the Navy Federal Credit Union and head off base to the airport. They arrived at the airport and got on the plane heading to Las Vegas. Soon as they took off, it seemed like they were landing. It took only an hour to get to Las Vegas and he was ready to gamble. Robert brought $8,000.00 with him to have fun.

  He immediately paid for them a room next to one another at the MGM Casino and headed to play the slot machines. He gave Anthony and Caiera $300.00 each to gamble with. They were very shock that Robert had that kind of money for real. They saw first hand for themselves that he was telling Wanda the true. They walk around the casino like they were some celebrities. Robert spotted a group of slot machines that had a jackpot worth $500,000.00 and a new 2001 Jaguar.

  He said, “Yes and I claim it in the name of Jesus.”

  Caiera asked Robert, “What you claim in the name of Jesus?”

  “That $500,000.00 and 2001 Jaguar,” He answered.

  Anthony immediately yelled, “Me too bro.”

  They were having so much fun on the slot machines. Caiera was the first to hit. She hit $400.00 and yelled out, “I quit!” Anthony and Robert laugh and shook their heads. Three hours had passed. So they all got hungry and went to the buffet table. Big winner, Caiera, decided to pay for their meals. They surely ate well. They were ready to go back and gamble. So Anthony and Caiera wanted to go to the blackjack table. Robert decided to stay playing for that $500,000.00 and 2001 Jaguar Jackpot. He was playing three slot machines at a time. He was determined to win that jackpot. He played for hours.

  He had already gone through $1,000.00. He went back to playing just one machine. He put $100.00 in the slot machine. He pulled the handle down. As soon as he did, the light started flashing on and off and you could hear the sound of the slot machine going off. The little old lady by Robert shouted, “Babe you won, you won!” He started screaming like a little girl. Security ran over right away. They call for assistance immediately. He couldn’t believe this was happening to him. Then a man came walking towards Robert. He shook his hand and said, “Congratulation!”

  He had him to take a picture while he was handing him a set of car keys. He asked if Robert was staying at the MGM. He replied, “Yes.” He offered Robert the presidential suite for the rest of his stay. He smile and asked, “How Robert want his money?” Robert immediately said, “I want a cashier check for $500,000.00.” He got on the radio and talk to someone that was over him. Another man approached him with a check for $500,000.00. They all head back to his office to sign some forms. The man gave him the title for the 2001 Jaguar and told him that he had to pay $2,000.00 tax on the car. Robert quickly said, “Okay. No problem.”

  Caiera asked Robert, “Did you have any luck?”

  “I won the $500,000.00 and 2001 Jaguar jackpot.” He answered.

  Anthony quickly said, “Stop playing … You didn’t win any jackpot. You’re just trying to pull the wool over our eyes.”

  Robert immediately took them up to his presidential suite. They look at him in a confused way. He showed them the car keys and title to the Jaguar.

  Anthony scream, “You’re so lucky and I am so happy and glad you’re our friend.”

  Caiera suggested, “Let us celebrate.”

  Robert opened a bottle of Absolute Vodka. They started mixing orange juice and vodka. They were chilling and getting their drink on. They spent the rest of the day drinking and having fun.

  Anthony asked Robert, “What are you going to do with that much money?”

  “I am going to finish these four years in the military. Than use my GI Bill and go to college and earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Accounting. I plan on buying a house in San Diego. After I graduate from college, I hope to start my own tax and loan business.” He answered.

  Caiera responded, “It seem like you have everything mapped out.

  Robert blurted, “I do.”

  It started getting late so they decided to call it a night. They all was drunk and passed out on the king size bed. Robert went to sleep on one side and Anthony on the other side and Caiera in the middle. That morning came and Caiera woke up in Robert arms kissing and rubbing all over him. When she finally opened her eyes she realized she was in the wrong person arms. It was too late to move because Robert had woken up kissing her back. They both felt bad about it although it was an honest mistake. They both wanted to tell Anthony, but they were afraid that he would take it the wrong way. They decided to keep quiet about it, but in the meantime t
hey play the part like nothing happened.

  Robert went in the living room thinking about what happen. Two hours later Anthony woke up not aware of what took places while he was asleep. Caiera fake like she was just waking up too. Robert and Caiera couldn’t look each other in the faces for the rest of the day. Anthony thought that was a little unusual, but he didn’t bother to give it any thought. He was just happy to have some money in his pocket and enjoying Las Vegas. Only if he knew his woman woke up kissing his friend. He probably wouldn’t be that happy. However, they decided to come clean that night with Anthony.

  “I can’t believe y’all wasted the entire day feeling guilty about a kiss. That neither one of you had control of. I can see if y’all try to kiss or have sex. I can understand. But it was a mistake and no harm done.” Anthony responded.

  Robert uttered, “Thanks bro for being so understanding.”

  “Yeah thanks babe for being understanding.” Caiera blurted.

  They didn’t want to miss tonight’s show so they headed down to catch the performance. They made it there just in time to see Charlie Wilson perform. They really enjoyed the show. Even though they didn’t know half of the people performing, they still had an awesome time. So after the show, Robert calls the ticket agent at the airport and explains everything to them and they credit them back the other part of their airline tickets. Once he took care of the airline ticket, they called it a night early, because Robert had to drive back to San Diego. He was looking forward to driving his Jaguar back to San Diego NTC Naval Station.