A Lost Child Page 5
That Sunday came fast and they were eager to get on the road. Thank God for a built in navigator because neither one of them knew their way back. Robert drove to BP gas station and filled the car up. Robert was the only one who knew how to read and operate the navigation system. It was 8:00 am. The navigation estimated that it would be 2:00 pm when they arrive in San Diego NTC Naval Station. They brought everything they needed for the road. He was no longer eager to get on the road after finding out it was going to be a six hours drive.
Robert looked good behind the wheel. He fell in love with his black and silver Jaguar. He was very nervous being on the road with $503,248.00 in his pocket. He kept thinking he was being followed and he became very paranoid at the time. They started listening to some old school on the radio. They were jamming to The Emotions, “Don’t Ask My Neighbors.” Caiera started singing to Anthony. Robert and Anthony became memorized. Anthony said, “I didn’t know you can sing like that.
Caiera told Anthony, “I can hit a few noted.
“It looks like you hit every note to me.” Robert said.
They kept listening to music and clowning around. They didn’t realize that four hours had already passed. He pulled over to the gas station to fill the car back up. They got back on the road and saw a sign that said 250 miles to San Diego. They were happy to see that sign. Robert drove another 125 miles and stopped at a rest area for to use the restroom. They stay for fifteen minutes and took back off again. They all started singing and started back having fun again. They arrived at a sign that said one mile to downtown San Diego. Robert knew where he was. So he kept pass the downtown San Diego exit.
He got off of the next two exits that let him off at San Diego NTC Naval Station. He went straight to the decal and got him a decal sticker to drive on base. He drove up to the gate and the sailor that was on duty, stopped them and asked to see their Military I.D. They broke out their Military I.D. and he told them to go on by. Robert felt weird being an E-2 driving on base in a Jaguar, but they finally made it to their barracks. Robert parks the vehicle near the barracks. They headed to their room for some much needed rest. Robert was the only one that was tired. He decided to take him a nap. Anthony and Caiera decided to hangout at the bowling alley.
They ran into Wanda and Raymond holding hand like a couple. They got tickle at them carrying on. Little did Wanda know she mess up a good thing with Robert. The sad part is that she didn’t understand how. Anthony and Caiera were waiting for Wanda to call them over. She couldn’t wait to brag about her new relationship. They couldn’t wait to brag about their Las Vegas trip with Robert and his Jaguar and $500,000.00 jackpot winning. That was the day Wanda found out Robert was telling her the true about his past. Her face drop to the floor and she couldn’t even finish bragging on her new relationship.
They turn around and heard Robert voice giggling and flirting with a beautiful young lady. The young lady was giggling and flirting back. Wanda face hit the floor again. Anthony yelled out, “Wanda that twice you had to pick your face up off the floor.” You can tell she wasn’t feeling Anthony statement. Anthony decided to be messy and call Robert over to their table and Caiera started laughing. He walks over with his new friend he met in front of the barrack. He introduced her to them.
“Anthony, Caiera, Raymond, and Wanda … this is Tina Wright, my secret admirer. Tina this is everybody” Robert said.
They all said hello. Tina and Robert went and found them a table of their own. Tina started holding Robert hand and that was right up his alley. Robert had forgotten all about Wanda. Wanda kept staring over at his table. Tina was please with the attention Robert was giving her. He was being the perfect gentleman towards her. So she gave him a gentle kiss on the lip for being so attentive. He bought some pizza and hot wings for them to eat on. Tina started feeding Robert one of the hot wings and that really burned Wanda up.
Tina notice Wanda kept staring at them the entire time they were at the bowling alley. It started to make her feel uncomfortable. Robert noticed it too. So they decided to leave and walk around the base. They walk out of the bowling alley holding hands smiling at each other. They decided to keep each other company for the rest of the time they had left at San Diego NTC Naval Station. He didn’t want today to end, because everything was going so well with Tina. He really needed to get some rest. He had too much to do the next day.
Robert didn’t go into details about his life and his money with Tina the way he did with Wanda. He didn’t want to repeat that same mistake twice. He went after school to close two of his accounts. Except Well Fargo Bank and Navy Federal Credit Union, he deposits the $500,000.00 cashier check in Well Fargo Bank. He went to DMV to get his vehicle register and Farmer Insurance to get insurance on his vehicle. On the way back to the base, he stopped by Navy Federal Credit Union and deposits $42,000.00 and kept $3,248.00 in his pocket for petty cash.
Prior to leaving Navy Federal Credit Union, Tina was walking out the entrance. He blew his horn at her offering her a ride and she immediately ran to the vehicle and hopped in. She was blown away at his vehicle. She gave him that “who vehicle you’re driving kind of look.” She was so happy to be riding in a Jaguar. When they arrive back at the barracks, Chief Thomas was standing by his Nissan Maximum. He stood their observing them as they got out of the vehicle. Chief Thomas calls him over.
Robert said, “Hello Chief Thomas. What’s up?”
“I just wanted to ask you. How can an E-2 afford a fine vehicle like that one?” He asked.
Robert answered, “I won a $500,000.00 jackpot along with this vehicle in Las Vegas three days ago.”
He said, “That a nice looking vehicle Private first class Washington. I should have been hanging out with you and tried my luck. It surely caught my attention. I was about to salute you because I thought you was an officer.”
“Thanks Chief Thomas and you have a nice day.” Robert chuckled and said.
Chief Thomas replied, “You to Private first class Washington.”
Tina asked, “What’s was that all about?”
“Oh it was nothing. He just wanted to know how can I afford a Jaguar and he was about to salute me … thinking I was an officer.” He answered.
She giggled and said, “I was just wondering the same thing too.”
“Well if I tell you, you have to give me a kiss.” He replied.
She responded, “Okay. Here is your kiss. So now tell me.”
“I won it at the MGM Casino in Las Vegas three days ago.” He blurted.
She smile and said, “I don’t want this to end. I hope we get station together after “A” school.”
“I feel the same way too. By some chance we don’t. Let us stay in touch with each other. So we will know what going on in each other lives.” He replied.
She agreed, “Yes let’s do that.”
They were growing on one another and Tina wasn’t letting Robert out of her sight. It was the same for him. Each day they spend together was just like the first day they met. Wanda kept trying to get Robert along but nothing she did worked. Tina stayed by his side through thick and thin. It made Wanda mad because she felt Tina was following him around like a little puppy. The truth was that Tina wasn’t letting Wanda get her claws in him. Especially after she found out what took place between them. Tina and Robert agree to buy each other a piece of jewelry as a symbol of their friendship. They were planning on meeting up at the bowling alley Friday to exchange gifts.
Friday came quick and Robert was having a hard time founding something nice for Tina. Anthony decided to ride to the Navy Exchange with Robert to purchase something for Caiera as well. He knew that Caiera would have gotten ugly if she caught wind of what Robert was doing for Tina. Robert finally spots a diamond necklace that read friends forever. He thought about how that would make a nice gift for Tina. He went and purchased the necklace al
ong with two diamond rings for himself. Anthony figured he would purchase the same necklace and buy himself a diamond ring as well.
They drove on over to the bowling alley. Soon as they walked in the door, Tina and Caiera were sitting there waiting. Anthony didn’t have a clue that Caiera had went with Tina to purchase him a gift. Robert and Anthony went in order a large pizza, sodas, and two boxes of hot wings. When they arrive back at the table, they started exchanging gifts. They all opened their gift at the same time. Anthony and Robert love their 14k Gold Gucci bracelet and Tina and Caiera love their 14k Gold diamond necklace. It was funny how the guys end up with the same bracelet and the ladies end up with the same necklace.
However everybody enjoyed their gifts. That day they all grew closer to each other. They spend the rest of the day trying to bowl. It was a sad sight to see. They kept trying, but they couldn’t bowl to save their soul. They decided to give up bowling and call it a night. That morning Robert headed out to a car dealer wanting to trade his Jaguar in for a Hummer. He spent half of the day trying to figure out which Hummer he wanted. He spotted a dark blue Hummer trim in silver chrome fully loaded that screamed his name. Robert knew this was the one and he wasn’t excepting no for an answer.
The car dealer was happy to trade vehicles with Robert along with a $10,359.00 down payment on the Hummer. That was right up Robert’s alley. When he arrived back at the base, he immediately got him a decal sticker. He drove onto the base joy riding in his new vehicle. He can see all his friends standing out in front of the barracks. He kept driving pass them laughing because he knew they probably were looking for him. He decided to go ahead and park his vehicle. He sat in the vehicle watching them for twenty minutes. Tina finally calls his phone wanting to know where he was. She can hear the music going in the background.
He laughed and said, “I am park in the parking lot looking at you.”
“Well I don’t see your car anywhere in the parking lot.” She uttered.
He replied, “Well walk over to the parking lot were I usually park and you will see me.”
“All I see is a nice, big, blue Hummer.” She said.
He responded, “That’s me.”
“O my God, you can’t be for real … Are you?” She asked.
He answered, “Yes I am for real … Just as real as it going to get. So what you think?”
“I love it … It is definitely you all the way. But I am going to look good riding next to you.” She answered.
He replied, “True that.”
Soon as Tina walked over to the vehicle, Robert got out and met her. She gave him a hug and a kiss. That’s when the rest of his friends spotted him. They all walked over to come and see his new vehicle including Wanda. Wanda finally came in term that she lost out on a good man. Although Wanda started acting right, Tina wasn’t letting down her guard. Robert decided to go to Mission Beach and they all climbed in for the ride including Wanda. When they arrived there, they all headed towards the roller coaster.
Once they finished riding the roller coaster, they took a walk around Mission Beach area and came across a young lady and two young men. They were trying to earn them some money to eat. The young lady reminded Robert of Sandra Cooper. He became very emotional. He immediately walked up to them and all his friend started wondering what he was doing. He gave them each $100.00 and told them to watch out for one another. He hugged each one of them and his eyes were filled with tears. Neither of his friends understood what was going on with Robert except Wanda.
He didn’t share his story with anybody else because of how things went with him and Wanda. Wanda only understood how Robert felt because he had told her about his life. Wanda walked over to console him. Let him know it going to be alright. Tina couldn’t make out if Wanda was being a friend or doing that for her own personal game. Tina went over to take control of consoling Robert. When the tears dried, Robert started confessing his life story to his friends. They all were blown away on every thing that had taken place in his life and were filled will compassion.
That day changed all of their lives. The way they think and act towards other people. Robert’s story had a great impact on their lives. It made them appreciate everything their parents ever did for them. Most of all, it made them appreciate life. There was an old saying, “You never know anybody until you walk a mile in their shoes.” That was the lesson Robert friends learned that day.
A month and two weeks has gone by since Robert cry like a big baby. They all were studying for there final exam to graduate from “A” school. They all spend the next two weeks studying together like one happy family. The day finally arrived for their final exam and for them to find out their next duty station. They all were excited, because they had study and knew the exam very well. They posted up around the school for an hour waiting to find out their score and next duty station. The moment had came when the instructor post their exam score and next duty station on the wall.
They all had passed their final exam and were looking forward to their next duty station. Anthony, Tina, and Raymond got their order and were heading to the USS Cape Cod at NTCC Thirty Second Street Naval Station. Robert, Caiera, and Wanda got their order and were headed to North Island Naval Station for shore duty. They all were happy but sad at same time, because they were going to be separated for the next three years. Robert was upset, because his friendship with Tina couldn’t go any farther. They knew this day was coming any way.
Robert was happy to drive his friends to their next duty station. He was also happy he would be able to keep in touch as long as the USS Cape Cod was in port. Tina wasn’t thrill at all with Wanda being station with Robert. She knew Wanda was going to try and hook up with Robert again. They arrived at the USS Cape Cod and were amaze at the size of that ship. Tina came and kisses Robert and share a few tears. Caiera kiss Anthony and share a few tears. Than Wanda kiss Raymond and smile.
Robert drove on to their duty station. Caiera and Wanda was freak out at the Coronado Bridge they cross over to get to North Island. Robert spotted a beautiful house that was up for sale and near the base. He decided that he was going to buy it, because he didn’t want to live on base. They arrive at North Island Naval Station and check in with Lt. White. Their new company commander that in charge. Soon as Lt. White show them what barrack they would be living in. Lt. White told them they can live off base and get pay for living off base, but they must be on time for duty. That was music to Robert ears.
Lt. White gave them the rest of the day off and informs them to be back at work on Monday at 0800 hours. Robert didn’t waste anytime going back to look at that house. When he arrived there, he did a walk through and fell in love with the house. He couldn’t believe they only wanted a $120,000.00 for a three bedroom and two baths with a garage. Robert calls immediately and got in touch with the owner and closed the deal. He were hesitant at first, because of Robert being young and just an E-3. The owner wouldn’t take a personal check. He made a deal with Robert.
To give him a cashier check for $105,000.00. He would do him the honor of knocking off $15,000.00 from the original offer. Robert didn’t waste anytime getting to the bank and back. When he arrived back he gave the owner the cashier check for $105,000.00. The owner did all of the paper work and sign the house over to him and shook Robert hand and departed ways. Robert immediately when shopping for the house and spent another $35,000.00 on furnish the entire house. It took him two days to finish furnishing the house. He was living the life and was well satisfied on what he had accomplished at an early age.
Robert decided to throw himself a birthday party on May 14, 2000 and he was excited about turning 22 years old. He had five whole days to plan the perfect party. He informs all of his friends immediately about his birthday bash. He calls his parents to share his good new with them and give them his address. Mr. Robert Washington Senior was blown away at his child accomplishment. That really m
ade Robert day knowing that he had made his father proud once again. His phone rung it was Caiera and Wanda wanting to come and visit his new place. He drove back on base and picks them up.
When they arrive back at his place Caiera and Wanda didn’t waste anytime exploring. They didn’t bother to wait for him to give them the grand tour. They had spoiled the moment for him showing them around. From the looks on their faces he can tell that they were plotting. He took them to the third room that he turn into his personal den to hangout. He decided to fix them all a drink to take the edge off of things. He was hoping that they mind would go back on Raymond, Anthony, and Tina. You would have thought he would have learned his lesson from drinking with Caiera in Las Vegas.
Little did he know Caiera was reminiscing about what took place between them in the MGM casino Presidential Suite, and Wanda was reminiscing when they was together. He had already peak game and knew something was going on. They started listen to some Luther Vandross and drinking some more. Caiera and Wanda took turns slow dancing with Robert. He kept thinking and talking about Tina. Wanda decided to play spins the bottle and that was right up her alley. He really didn’t want to play that game. She managed to talk him into playing any way.
They started playing spin the bottle and the bottle kelp landing on Caiera and Wanda kelp getting impatience. Robert and Caiera weren’t aware that Wanda had a hind agenda. Wanda was hiding her pregnancy. Her motive was to get Robert in bed to seduce him and later on claim him as the father of her child. Wanda started thinking she executive the perfect plan. The more they spin the bottle the more they drank. They spin the bottle one more time and it stop on Wanda. She wasted no time suggesting Robert and them go and make out in his bedroom.
To her surprise Robert and Caiera was gain for it, but we all know when things happen. We blame it on the alcohol. We do make poor decision when we under the influence of alcohol. On this specific day Wanda plan had a flaw in it. They all were to drunk to do anything. By the time they made to the bedroom Caiera and Wanda strip down to their panty and bra waiting for him to climb into the bed. He climbs into bed with his boxer brief still on. Wanda and Caiera started kissing him all over and he started snoring. Wanda kept trying to wake him.