A Lost Child Page 7
On their way home they went by NTCC Thirty Second Street Naval Station and pick up Raymond. When they arrived to Wanda and Raymond apartment Robert was very hesitant on walking to their apartment. He was watching out for Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson. Wanda, Caiera, and Raymond thought that was so funny. Wanda decided to asked Robert and Caiera to be the god parents of their son. That made Robert and Caiera day, Wanda asking them to be the god parents.
That had taken the edge off of Robert. He was worrying if Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson were going to lay their hands on him again. The whole time he was at Wanda and Raymond he stay looking out the window. Raymond became curious about what Robert was looking out the window at. Raymond spotted a 1995 Nissan Maximum for sale that was in mint condition. It turns out to be Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson vehicle. Raymond knocks on their door to see how much they wanted for it. Robert stayed behind looking from a distance.
Raymond kept trying to get Robert to come and check out the vehicle. Robert had any attention of coming where Mr. Dwight Anderson was. Mr. Dwight took Raymond on a test drive to let him feel how the vehicle runs. Upon arriving back Mr. Dwight asks Raymond was $2000.00 to much for him to handle. He smile at Mr. Dwight and said no sir. Mr. Dwight quickly gave Raymond the title and a bitter of sale to the vehicle as owner. Raymond didn’t waste anytime getting insurance and the vehicle register.
Once Raymond got everything situated Robert and Caiera departed ways heading home. Before leaving Robert recommended Raymond to let a mechanic take a look at his vehicle. To be sure everything is properly running. Upon arriving home Robert and Caiera saw they neighbor for the first time. She was out watering the flowers and God know she had a lot of flowers to water. They notice a man walking up to her grabbing her from behind. They realize that it was Lt. White. They stood their observing Lt. White carrying on with this woman.
From the looks of things, she didn’t seem to be please with him grabbing on her from behind. She went off on him cursing him out and he just laughed. Robert and Caiera knew that wasn’t Lt. White wife, because they met her before. They stood there in shock at what they saw taken place. Lt. White looks up and saw them watching him. He immediately became very nervous, because he knew he had been busted. He was shock to find out Robert and Caiera was his ex-girl friend neighbor.
He got to telling her who they were and that made her day. She started laughing real hard. That was the day they became highly favor by Lt. White and their neighbor from next door. He through his hand up waving at Robert and Caiera and they through they hand back up waving at him with a smile. They enter the house laughing at Lt. White being a dog. They pour them a glass of wine and got comfortable sitting on the sofa. Robert started giving Caiera a massage. He began massaging her feet and the door bell rung. Robert went to answer the door. It was his neighbor from next door.
“Hello! I am Miss. Rosemary Watkins your neighbor from next door.” She uttered.
He replied, “I am Robert Washington Jr. and this is my lady Caiera Williams. Come on in and have a seat. Would you like a glass of wine?”
“Yes please. This is my first time in this house and I been living next door for fifteen years. Y’all have it decorate so nice in here.” She blurted.
He responded, “Thanks Miss. Rosemary. Well it nice of you to say and it a pleasure to meet you.”
They all sit around talking for the rest of the day sipping on wine. Miss. Rosemary started spilling the dirt on Lt. White. She wasn’t holding back on anything. She began to say they had been talking for ten years. Her best friend always was in the middle of their relationship talking bad about Lt. White. She had notice things started changing between them. She couldn’t understand, because she was under the impression they didn’t like one another. They had an argument one day and her best friend made the statement.
Lt. White is a good man and you need to stop mistreating him bad. One day another woman is going to come along and steal him away from you. Her best friend drove her to her mother house for she can cool off for that day. She came home the next day. Lt. White had move out and move in with her best friend. They have had sex in her bed. Her best friend left her panty in her bed for her to find them. Two weeks later they got marry. So now he sneaks back to her house making passes at her.
She started sipping some of her wine. She said I don’t do the past. I am only telling y’all this so y’all want make the same mistake I made. Y’all continue loving each other and don’t let your friend get in the middle of your relationship. Y’all have an argument don’t run away from one another. Y’all stay there. Until y’all able to solve the problem, and never go to bed mad at each other. Hug and kiss each other to give that confirmation that everything is alright. Miss. Rosemary story touch Robert and Caiera that night.
Robert got down on his knees. Caiera started kissing him yelling yes before he can asks. Miss. Rosemary started laughing and yell out I will see y’all two love birds tomorrow. They hurry up and lock the door and headed to the bedroom for some relation. They can hear Miss. Rosemary from outside singing there is love in the air. In the middle of having relation Caiera yell out I love you Robert. He yelled back I love you to. That night Robert shared his plan with her about starting his own business.
She agreed to stand by his side and support him. They made a pack to go to college together. That morning came and they were planning on shopping for an engagement ring. Caiera was so excited and couldn’t stop watching Robert. He couldn’t stop watching her. He knew right than that she was his soul mate and she knew he was hers. They both couldn’t wait that long to say I do. They decided to go ahead and get marry early and ask Wanda did they want to have a double wedding.
That was right up Wanda alley. She became very excited and told Raymond about it. Raymond, Robert, and Caiera decided to take a month leave of absent to get marry. They all inform their parents about their wedding. Robert decided to help Raymond with their wedding expense since it was Caiera and his idea. Robert was being impatience, because June 10 wasn’t moving fast enough for him. Although they only had four days left it seem like a life time to them all. Robert had made reservation for thirteen at the “ALIZE’S” restaurant for June 10. Everything was going just like they had planned.
The wedding day has finally arrived and Robert had taken the liberty of making reservation at the Hilton Hotel for all their parents including Grandma Jenny. He was out of $15,000.00 after paying for all the parent flight to San Diego California, hotel rooms at the Hilton for three days, and Caiera Wedding Dress, and Wedding Rings. Raymond and Wanda had it made. They only expense was the Wedding Dress and Wedding Rings. Caiera and his Wedding Ring was $4,359.68 by itself.
He wanted to get the Wedding Rings from Kmart. Caiera beg and beg him to get the Wedding Rings from Tiffany. It took her three hours of begging, but she finally woe him down and he gave in. It had turns out to be a very nice double wedding although Raymond was a little bit nervous. It was so wonderful for Miss. Rosemary Watkins to come. Caiera was finally Mrs. Caiera Washington and Wanda was finally Mrs. Wanda Jenkins. They all arrive at the “ALIZE’S” restaurant. You can hear Grandma Jenny voice in the back ground.
She yelled out. Old Lord if my grandchild puissant can fine a beautiful young lady like that to marry. I know there is still hope for an old fart coon like me. They all laughed. The parents started thanking Robert for the plane tickets, hotel rooms, and dinner reservation. He immediately told them to thank Jesus, because he gives him all the glory. Robert became very shock that those words actually came out his mouth. Caiera, Wanda, Raymond, Grandma Jenny and his parents were very shock as well.
They all spend their honey moon entertaining their parents and they all had so much fun. Robert and Caiera parents were very impress at their house. This was the third time in Robert life that he made his parent proud. Three days zoom by fast it was very hard for them all to tell their parents good
bye. The good news was they still had a lot of vacation time on their hand. They departed ways heading home. Raymond and Wanda made home before Robert and Caiera. They started fooling around and right in the middle of relation Wanda water broke.
Wanda went into labor. Raymond calls Robert and informs him that Wanda was in labor. He sounded like he had panic and wasn’t in any kind of shape to drive. Robert drove over there to get them and take them to Balboa Hospital. When they arrive they can hear Wanda from outside. She was screaming and cursing out Raymond yelling to the top of her lung. Get this thing from out of me. That was too much excitement for Robert and Caiera to handle. Robert and Caiera decided to wait after they graduate from college to have a child.
Soon as they arrive at Balboa Hospital the baby head started coming out. They rush Wanda to the back and Raymond pass out. That had shaken Robert and Caiera up seeing the baby head coming out of Wanda. That wasn’t a pretty sight at all. By the time Raymond came to. He made back there just in time to see his baby boy born. Robert and Caiera couldn’t wait to see their God son. Nevertheless they put their making baby day on hold. Caiera decided to get on the pills for extra caution.
Robert and Caiera finally got a chance to see their God son Raymond Jenkins Jr. and that had made their day. They headed home thinking about how it would feel having tiny little feet running around the house. When they made home they started talking about having children of their own. Robert walk into his room and fell down to his knees and started praying to the Lord. That everything in his and Caiera life go like they planned. This was the first time Robert ever prayed to the Lord for anything.
That night he was move by the Holy Spirit while praying to the Lord. He got off his knees with tears of joy running down his face. Robert couldn’t understand why he was crying or feeling so joyful. Caiera walk in the room where he was and she notice that he was crying. He began to explain to her what happen and what he was feeling. She knew right off back what just took place from her being race up in a church. She began to explain to Robert that he had experience a spiritual moment with the Lord.
She started telling him that Jesus was the truth, the way, and the life. He didn’t understand what she was saying about Jesus, but he wanted to know more. So he set there listen to his wife talk about the Lord. The next day came and they went out and brought them each a bible and went looking for them a church to join. They finally found a church and spend the rest of the day and part of the next day having fellowship. In the middle of reading the bible Raymond call Robert to come and pick them up from the hospital.
It was hard for Robert to put down the bible and go to pick up Raymond, Wanda, and Raymond Jr. Caiera just laughed, because she thought about Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson praying over Robert. It seem like the Lord had answer their prayer. Caiera was very pleased with Robert studying God Holy words. She got very excited seeing her husband get down on his knees praying to the Lord. This was right up her alley, because it gave her a chance to get back in church.
They spend the hold ride their and back talking about Jesus. Raymond and Wanda was wondering what was going on with their friends. They had this puzzle look on their face. When Robert said praise the Lord Brother Raymond and Sister Wanda. Caiera couldn’t do anything, but laughed. They thought for a moment Robert had flip his wig. They crack Raymond and Wanda about joining the church with them. The looks on their faces was priceless. Right off back they knew the answer was no.
They thought that asking their friends to go to church. It wouldn’t have scared the hell out of them, but it did. Robert and Caiera spend the rest of the day trying to convince their friends to join the church with them. Hours and hours went by of asking them to join the church and those two demons just wouldn’t bite. Robert and Caiera departed ways heading home. Upon arrived they finally met their other neighbor Mr. Phil Owens. You can tell he was drunk by the way he was talking.
He was drinking a bottle of Wild Iris Rose out side preaching the gospel of Jesus. It was very hard to listen to a person that was drunk. There were people in the neighborhood calling Mr. Phil a hypocrite. Nevertheless he was truly preaching the gospel of Jesus. What they fail to understand that Jesus use us as an instrument to minister his Holy words. Jesus said be Holy, because I’m Holy. Mr. Phil had back slide and had a hard time lining himself back up in living God words. People had looked at him difference, because he had started back drinking. He knew the bible very well and he was aware that the Devil only comes into your life to rob, steal and destroy. So we put our trust in God and walk by faith and not by sight.
Mr. Phil lied to people and himself that he had given up drinking. Each day he got caught drinking a bottle of Wild Irish Rose. That Sunday came Robert and Caiera headed to “True Gospel Ministries.” They ran into Mr. Phil entering the church doors. They join the church that day and met Pastor Arthur Banks and his wife Mrs. Claire Banks. Pastor Banks kept yelling through the service that they called him the uncut Pastor with the uncut church. You can hear half of the congregation whispering if he call himself the uncut Pastor with the uncut church one more time they was going to throw up. Robert and Caiera just giggled.
Through his whole service he didn’t sugar code anything. He mainly talks about people that was getting first and third month check. It seems like people that collected SSI or welfare vexed his spirit. He kept saying how they weren’t paying their tithe and offering. He was a good Pastor, but everything seems like a money issue. He wasn’t please with some of the congregation putting two or three dollars in the collection plate. Robert and Caiera kept observing him. Pastor Banks first impression was one to remember.
He seems to use street slang on people whenever his spirit got vexed. Robert and Caiera thought that was wrong for him to being doing that. Since Dr. Martin Luther King fought so hard to free black people from segregation. Robert and Caiera started wondering did they join the right church. They started laughing about Pastor Banks. Saying people go and buy marijuana and alcohol from the drug dealers and the corner stores, but don’t have any money left to put in God house. When you look around the entire church you can tell who he was referring to.
They look like they wanted to curse Pastor Banks out. Pastor Banks had hit a lot of nerves. But he was quick to say don’t get mad at me, because the Holy Spirit found you out. People started leaving, because of what Pastor Banks kept preaching about. Every Sunday the congregation grew smaller. The Bible said God words would draw you near or drive you away. Pastor Banks started saying they gotten they blessing and now they want to run to the big fancy church. It okay, because when their two or three in the flock. The anointing of Jesus is present. Soon as church was over you can hear Pastor Banks in the background. Saying I am tired of carrying these worthless none tithing people.
Robert and Caiera got a kick out of Mr. Phil for the remaining time of their vacation. Mr. Phil was a nice person in his on way. He was just going through changes. Mr. Phil will sometime get upset with his wife Mrs. Tracy Owens. Because she was forever calling the ambulance saying she was constipated. Robert and Caiera had spent the majority of their vacation laughing at Mr. Phil. He was always hiding behind the tree drinking his Wild Irish Rose up from Mrs. Owens. She would always find away to get back even, but yet still they love each other.
Since Robert and Caiera join the church and been talking about Jesus. Raymond and Wanda slow down from hanging out with them. Pastor Banks had already warns them that other would persecute them just for believing and talking about Jesus. Raymond and Wanda grew distance from them, because they surrender their life to Jesus. It hurt them not to be able to see their Godchild Raymond Jr. anymore. They pray about it and continue living their life for Jesus which was the head of their life.
Robert and Caiera had become true Christian and you can see the Christ like that was in them. Who would ever thoughts a drug dealer can be transform into a new creature in Christ. In Luke 4:4 Jesus said
it is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word out of the mouth of God. Although three year passed the only thing Wanda and Raymond had to say was hello and good bye. Robert and Caiera didn’t hold any animosity toward them they treat them with kindness. Everything was working out fine for them.
Robert and Caiera were excited, because they was getting out of the military and heading straight to San Diego State University. This was March 5th, 2003 the first day of college for them. They both were in the same classes taking up Business Administration. They went to classes everyday holding hands like they just met. The young men were checking out Caiera and the young ladies were checking out Robert. They all were shock when they found out Robert and Caiera were married.
The flirtation when from up to down when Robert and Caiera started talking about Jesus. They all scatter like the devil. I tell you it the power that in the name of Jesus that break the yoke of the devil. In God know there were a lot of devils out there on the college campus. They became true represent of Jesus. Each day they were asking people have they except Jesus as they Lord and Savior. The student started avoiding Robert and Caiera. They were thinking they were some under cover Mormon member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints.
Sunday came Robert and Caiera was back in church again ready to praise and worship the Lord. They were standing out side where they met Deacon James Frost and Sister Ester Francis. Sister Francis and Deacon Frost were always going at it. Robert and Caiera were wondering if they were true soldier for the Lord.
Church hasn’t started yet and Sister Francis jump up off the church stairs screaming. Oh Lord I can feel the anointing burning inside my soul. Deacon Frost immediately yelled sit down you old bat. That just only gas you’re feeling. Just take you a dozen of Gas-Ex and you will be okay. Robert and Caiera started laughing again as they were walking in the church. Soon as church started Pastor Banks asks Deacon Frost to lead us in devotion. You can hear Sister Francis yelling in the background.