A Lost Child Page 6
When she look up Caiera had pass out on the side of Robert. So as you can see Wanda plan back fired on her. She grew tired trying to wake him up so she can seduce him. Before long she passed out on the other side of him. He woke up with them laying in his chest and their leg throw over his leg and his arms around them. He didn’t know what to make out of this, although he still had on his boxer brief. He couldn’t help, but to think he slept with Caiera and Wanda. He became very nervous at the fact that he could have went their.
He just stool their looking at their half naked body. Wondering did that really happen and why he couldn’t remember a thing. They both woke up hollowing hello Charlie and God knows they wasn’t any angels. They saw the way he was looking and they confess nothing took place. That was a sound of relief, because he didn’t know how to explain to Tina. That he had sex with Caiera and Wanda nevertheless Anthony and Raymond. He decided not to drink like that anymore.
That was a wake up call for him. He was thinking to himself he could have got them pregnant or worst, caught some mad cat disease. They came walking over to him and both kiss him and apologize for trying to take advantage of him. He didn’t care to tell Raymond, Anthony, and Tina about their activity. He agreed with Wanda and Caiera not to tell. Only if they tell him in details what all they did to him while he was asleep. Caiera thought that was fare and she started going into details. What all her and Wanda did to him. He got upset with them, because they knew how he felt about Tina.
He got more upset with himself, because he wasn’t awake to enjoy what all they did to him. They rush back to the base to get ready for duty. He avoided them for three whole days. Trying to put it all behind him and move on. They approach him that Friday agreed to help him decorate and prepare the food for his birthday. He became very please with their offer and was eager to get their friendship back on the right track.
Friday had finally come. Robert was very excited about his birthday bash along with showing his new place off to the rest of his friends. He went to pick up Anthony, Raymond, and Tina. He left Caiera and Wanda their decorating and cooking. This was going to be a birthday party to remember and everything was going as plan. They all arrive back at his house barring birthday gift. He was not expecting them to bring him anything. He just wanted a chance to be with his friend once again. They all brought a card with money and that was right up his alley.
Tina was very excited to see Robert once again. She was planning on making his birthday one to remember. All his friends can tell by her body language what time it was and so could he. Wanda and Caiera had the house smelling so good. This time Robert was making sure he didn’t drink that much. He was just dancing and listening to the music with Tina. He was just waiting for the magic to happen between him and Tina. Anthony and Caiera was lighting up the atmosphere as well.
While Raymond and Wanda was looking like they was just now meeting each other. There was any excitement with Wanda and Raymond. They both look just like a pair of zombies. So Robert decided to walk over and break the ice.
“So who die?” Robert asked gently.
Wanda responded, “No one.”
“I thought this was a party and everybody supposed to be having a nice time.” He said.
Raymond replied, “I thought so to bro. I thought she would be happy to see me, but apparently not.”
“Wanda said, “I’m happy to see you. I am just not that excited right now, because of a personal problem I’m having right now.”
Raymond asked, “Well tell me why?”
She answered, “I can’t because it not the right time.”
“Girl want you go ahead and tell that man the reason why. You’re truly messing up the atmosphere with your nonsense.” Caiera said.
Tina responded, “Yell girl. We all were having a good time except y’all. So go on ahead and tell that man what he needs to know. So we all can get back in the mood we were in.”
“I am one month pregnant and Raymond you is the father. I miss my monthly cycle and I went to the doctor. He told me I was one month pregnant.” She uttered.
Raymond responded, “Wild! I didn’t see that one coming.”
Robert said, “Me neither bro.”
“Raymond. Maury told me to tell you. You are the father 99.9 percent.” Anthony yelled.
Caiera, Tina, Robert, and Anthony giggled.
Wanda asked, “Raymond is that all you can say is wild?”
“No. I thought you were going to say you were on your monthly cycle. It caught me off guard when you said you were pregnant.” He answered.
She replied, “I didn’t want to tell you on Robert birthday and spoil everything.”
“It a little to late for that.” Tina uttered.
Raymond responded, “Everything would be alright. We will make good parents.”
“So were do we go from here?” She asked.
Raymond answered, “We continue our relationship and since everything is happening on Robert birthday. I am going to do this the proper way and get down on my knee and propose to you.” “So Wanda will you do me the honor of marrying me?” He asked.
Wanda replied with excitement, “Yes Raymond I will marry you.
From the looks of things, Raymond and Wanda situation make the other think twice about having unprotected sex. Unfortunately they all got in the mood for a little of one on one action. The party when smooth and they had two reasons to celebrate. Robert was happy that no sex took place with Caiera and Wanda that night. Because Wanda would have properly held back that information and said he was the father. This was truly a wake up calls for them all. It still didn’t stop them from making out on Robert birthday.
They all spend a month hanging out with each other, but they fun came to an end. Robert received a phone call from Tina. Stating that her ship was departing and they were going to be gone for six months on West Pac. That Wednesday morning he arrived at work a little sad. When he saw Caiera and Wanda, he knew they had gotten the same news. Wanda had a little smile on her face, because Raymond and her gotten engage. Caiera and Anthony decided to just be friends. Robert and Tina made the same decision as well.
Robert and Caiera spend the next two weeks feeling down and out. They didn’t expect it to be that hard for to move on. The only time they saw Robert was at work. Since Wanda gotten pregnant and engage, she had change and pretty much stay around the base. Caiera went to spend the weekend with Robert. She was hoping that it would be some consolation to them both. He wasn’t expecting any company. He had no idea that she was coming to his house.
She arrived and rung the door bell with a bag on her shoulder. He opens the door for her and went to get back in his bed. She came and lay beside him and they cuddle. They both fell asleep to the sound of Luther Vandross singing “Endless Love.” Robert had Luther Vandross CD in the CD player on repeat. They woke up that Saturday morning to the sound of Luther Vandross singing “Love The One You’re With.” By the time the song ended things had gotten very heated. They were going at it for hours. It was afternoon when they finish making out.
They both were no longer sad and had a major glow on their face. That day they forgot all about Anthony and Tina. They kept smiling and blushing at each other. They got up and started grilling T-Bone Steaks, boiling Lobsters, and boiling Corn on the cobs. They make a day out of it and couldn’t keep their hands and eyes off each other. They didn’t feel guilty about fooling around. Because Anthony and Tina being out to sea for six months and visiting other countries. They knew they were going to hang out and something was bound to happen any way.
Each moment they share with each other brought their friendship much closer. They both knew they had to inform Anthony and Tina, because it was the right thing to do. They didn’t know how to explain what took place with them. So they decided to hold off until they can figure out what to say. In the meantime they kept hookin
g up on difference occasion. Wanda started putting thing together, because of the way Robert and Caiera was carrying on with each other. She knew something was going on with Robert and Caiera and she didn’t like it one bit.
Wanda started spying on Robert and Caiera trying to get the proof she needed to bust them. You would have thought that she wouldn’t be upset, because they were messing around with each other friend old partner. The truth of the matter was. Wanda still had hidden feeling for Robert. She didn’t like the way they was sneaking around with each other secretly. Four months had pass and she finally got what she needed to bust Robert and Caiera. Being six months pregnant she should have been somewhere resting.
But on this particular day she decided to follow them to the parking lot where Robert park every morning. She hid around the building with a camera taking photos shot of Robert and Caiera kissing and holding hands. She fails to look at the fact they was grown and very single. She wasted no time getting those films develop and mail to Anthony and Tina. Robert and Caiera receive a letter from Anthony and Tina. Asking if they were a couple and why they decided to mess with each other instead of somebody else.
Off back they knew it was Wanda who sent those pictures to them being low down and jealous. They were just being a consolation to one another even though feeling was developing. Wanda call herself hurting them, but she only did them a favor. Those pictures she sent and those letters they received only push them into each other arms. They both went to Wanda the next day and thank her for hooking them up. They told her to feel free taking all the pictures she wanted. She had a crazy look on her face after they walk away.
That day they both distance themselves from Wanda. A month has passed by and Robert and Caiera receive letter from Raymond. He was telling them what Tina and Anthony did the first month of West Pac in Hawaiian. Tina and Anthony were trying to make them feel bad and guilty about them fooling around. They failed to mention about their encounter in Hawaiian. They didn’t expect for Robert and Caiera to find out about their one on one action. It just goes to show. What you do in the dark. It always comes to the light.
Robert and Caiera went on about their business and didn’t waste their time to write Tina and Anthony a letter. Letting them know they know about they dirty little secret. The true neither one of them care about what took place in Hawaiian. Caiera move off of base and move in with Robert. Each day became a better day for Robert being with Caiera and her living with him. They had cut off all communication with Wanda, Tina, and Anthony. They stay communicating with Raymond throughout the remaining time of his West Pac.
Wanda had found out about Tina and Anthony through Raymond. She started feeling bad for what she did. She couldn’t wait for Raymond ship to come back to NTCC Thirty Second Street Naval Station. She had a week left and she was counting down the days. Reality hit home with her. Especially when she realized she was going to need Robert helps. She didn’t know how to approach him, because this was her third time doing him wrong. On top of everything else Robert haven’t communicated with her for over a month.
She spent the next three days trying to communicate with Robert, but he was determined to teach her a lesson he ignore her. Although Raymond and Robert already discussed plan of bring him to her. Robert was giving her a hard time and this lesson was for to teach her to mind her own business. He was going to break her up once and for all from being messy. He was trying to get her to understand. You can’t be messy with people, because you never know when you might need they help.
Wanda had Raymond to thank, because Robert and Caiera didn’t have any attention of dealing with her anymore. Today was today for Raymond ship to pull in port. She had no ideal rather Robert was going to be there for her or not. Being eight months pregnant she couldn’t walk too far. Soon as they got off work Robert receive a phone call from Raymond. He immediately approached Wanda and asks if she was ready to go and pick up her baby daddy. She burst into tears and started apologizing to Robert and Caiera.
They stop by the barrack for Wanda to pick up her some clothes and other personal belonging. She was happy to be going to get her baby daddy. She was happier that they decided to give her another chance in being their friend. It wasn’t any hope of Anthony and Tina being friends with them again. Robert arrived on base and pick up Raymond and head home. They can see Anthony flirting with some girl from his ship. He watched them as they drove away from the pier.
When they arrive home, he immediately escorted Raymond and Wanda to the guest room. So they can get settle in and spend sometime with one another. Everything was working out just fine. Since Raymond didn’t have to be back to the base until Monday. Robert and Caiera love cooking together. That was the first thing they noticed that they had in common. They decided to grill and cook again. Raymond and Robert were outside grilling and Wanda and Caiera was in the kitchen cooking up a storm.
You can smell the aroma of collar greens, bake macaroni and cheese, and cornbread that fill the house. Robert and Raymond had it going on outside with the baby back ribs. The day was turning out to be a perfect good day for both couple. Raymond started telling Robert about all the countries they visit and the things he saw. Robert was blown away with excitement at the things Raymond was telling him.
“Robert. I am happy for you and Caiera. Y’all look happy together. I know it was hard for y’all to forgive Wanda, but I am happy y’all did. I over heard Anthony and Tina planning to hook up and we was just only out the sea for two weeks. I know Wanda was wrong for doing what she did. That why I did what I did to make things right between y’all and even the score.” Raymond said.
Robert replied, “Thanks bro for having our back. We all agree to be just friends. Caiera and I were having a hard time dealing with being along. We were just being a consolation to each other. So I didn’t see any need to give anybody an explanation. So since Wanda send them letters and they send us each a letter trying to make us feel bad and guilty for comforting each other. They just only brought us together for real. We started having feeling for each other, but we never talk about hooking up on that level. We were just enjoying one another company.”
“The expression on their face was priceless when they saw those pictures.” Raymond blurted.
Robert responded, “Bro I wish I could have been a fly on the wall to see them catch their faces.”
“That would have been a hot mess.” He uttered.
Robert giggles.
They both headed back in the house after grilling. Caiera and Wanda already had the table set. They all finish eating and departed ways heading back to their room. Wanda and Raymond were planning on making up for the six months that has pass. The sound of romance had echo through the house. This time it wasn’t Luther Vandross singing. You would have thought they were in their trying to make another baby. That romantic sound got Robert and Caiera started. The sound of romance echo throughout the house got both couple fill with excitement.
They all got louder as if they were in competition with each other. You can tell there was love in the air. Saturday morning came and they all woke glowing. Each person started laughing at one another. They all knew what took place last night in both rooms. Wanda and Raymond decided to look for them a place of their on. Robert started driving around the neighbor hood until they came across a nice set apartment. They were just two blocks over from Robert house.
Wanda and Raymond quickly apply for a two bedrooms apartment. They were pushing for time, because Wanda could have the baby at anytime now. Wanda and Raymond met with the owner of the apartment Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson. They live their as well and they was some very religious people. Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson usually do a credit check, but due to Wanda pregnancy. They decided to give them the apartment any way. Mr. Dwight and Mrs. Ruby Anderson walk over to Robert and started praying over him.
Than they pray for Raymond, Caiera, Wanda, and her baby. They
laid their hands on Robert telling him that the Lord has chosen him for a higher calling. That had freak Robert out, because he thought about Mrs. Annie Wilson praying over him. He remembers feeling convicted from selling drugs that day. Robert walks out their apartment looking around his body for a pair of hands. He didn’t understand that they were telling him that Jesus was anointing him to do his work. Caiera, Wanda, and Raymond laughed all day at Robert blank expression.
They joke around with him all day calling him Pastor Washington. Robert couldn’t do anything, but laughed at them having fun at his expense. Robert decided to help them get settle in their apartment. He went and brought them a bed and a dinning room table. Caiera brought them some pots and pans. Wanda immediately yells out thanks Mr. Robert and Mrs. Caiera Washington. They all started laughing although Caiera love the sound of becoming Robert wife. Raymond and Wanda could tell that Robert and Caiera had falling in love.
They couldn’t keep their eyes or hands off of one another. They spent the rest of the weekend getting Raymond and Wanda apartment together. Wanda and Raymond still have to wait for Monday to get their light on.
Monday morning came Wanda became very emotional about Raymond heading back to the ship. It felt just like we were heading back to school again. We dropped Raymond off at the USS Cape Cod on NTCC Thirty Second Street Naval Station. We left heading to our duty station. Soon as we arrived Lt. White came walking by and stop to inform Wanda. She had to take a leave of absent after today, because of her pregnancy. Everything was working like clock work. They all went immediately to get Wanda light turn on and purchase her a TV.